Tuesday 2 January 2018

israel issues quit notice to African migrants

According to the bbc , the isreali government has issued a notice for thousands of African migrants to leave the country or face imprisonment. The Israeli authorities has threatened to start jailing defaulters from April.  The migrants will be given up to $3,500(£2,600) for leaving the country within the next 90 days. They will be given an option of going to their home country or third countries.
However, the UN refugee agency has questioned the government's rationale saying that the government's plan violated international and Israeli law inspite of the israeli's government insistance that the migrants return would be "humane" and "voluntary".
The order exempt children,elderly people  and victims of slavery and human trafficking.
Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu said that the order was necessary in other to protect israeli's jewish character which was under threat by the influx of African migrants.

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